Grace Adriel
1 min readOct 8, 2022

How Nursing School is going so far…

It’s a lot, and I mean a lot of work. Especially being a part of an ABSN program, I mean I was aware of it. I knew how hard it would be. Not in terms of information per se, but just in the amount of time that I need to know everything. It's a lot. I have exams back to back and I’ve been studying non-stop. I also realized that it’s NECESSARY to buy a book with practice questions. This way, you are more ready to take nursing school exams.

My first exam went semi-decent. I got an 81, which isn't bad, but it isn't good either. (For me at least haha). I am striving for higher on my next exam. Hopefully an 85 or above!!

I will resume this later! I will give updates once I’m done with Fundamentals of Nursing and share tips on how to be successful!